According to, a Big Fish is an important or powerful person.
When we recount the unusual story of Jonah, we encounter a prophet who neglects one fundamental principle as a believer:
Anything God gives you - whether it be money, fame, or a spiritual assignment - is simply not for you but rather for His purposes. In times we wrongfully cultivate the thought process that what has been given to us is solely ours to keep, we subconsciously lock it up. We neglect the fact that just as we crave for God’s anointing upon our lives, He too craves for us to allow Him to operate through our temples- our bodies.
When Jonah was called to give prophecy, his fear and pride caused him to run from God. He was convinced the people God had commanded him to preach to in Nineveh were his enemies. You see, Jonah must not have believed he was a Big Fish in the Kingdom so he rather boarded a ship for the opposite direction. Lo and behold, a raging storm surfaced, and as the crew determined that Jonah was the problem, they threw him overboard.
Sometimes, when we fail to embrace the magnitude of our calling, God pushes us to conjoin with other forces that seamlessly complement our divine prowess. Let this sink in- God has plans for you and will see to it that you conform to those plans (Ephesians 2:10). Despite Jonah’s disobedience, he was reminded that he was indeed a Big Fish when he ended up being swallowed whole - not chewed - by a big fish. In the belly of another force is where Jonah gets clarity, and when the fish eventually vomited him on dry land, he trekked to fulfill his calling.
It’s quite poetic how Jonah spent 3 days and 3 nights in the fish’s belly; ironically the same amount of time Christ was in the grave for (Matthew 12:40). And it’s so disturbing how most believers doubt their importance and influence in the Kingdom, and as such, go through so much pain to avoid a calling they can never hide from. Fam, just imagine how much more peace and clarity you will attain if you, unlike Jonah, would submit to Him without delay. Now if you ask me, it’s a small price to pay after Christ died for our sins. Happy Easter.
This message was originally shared on instagram here.