For many years, I’ve held the belief that no one is destined for a specific career path. What I’m completely aligned on is that we’ve all been called to fulfill a spiritual assignment. However, our lived experiences- coupled with our mentality- shapes how that calling eventually manifests. Let’s assume you have been called to heal others. Musicians heal through music, doctors heal through prescriptions, fitness professionals heal through exercise. The career journey you decide to embark on boils down to the limiting or uplifting beliefs you subconsciously - sometimes consciously - have about yourself.
You see, there’s this benevolent professor who gave his students the option to take the most important test of the year or settle for a ‘C.’ To his utmost surprise, half of the class volunteered for the latter- despite burning the midnight oil. Once the volunteers exited the room, the professor handed over the tests faced down. You could just feel the anxiety that circulated the ambience of the room but the remaining students still sat firm. For the next minute or two, the professor encouraged them about the importance of always making bold decisions in life; regardless of the pain and tribulation that may await. And when he finally gave the instruction to turn the paper around, it simply read: “Congratulations, you earned yourself an ‘A’.”
Most of us spend our entire lives settling for average. How disturbing when you have been created in the image of God! Newsflash; if you do not have a plan for your life, it will be planned for you by someone else. So it’s about time you disarm the negative beliefs you have nurtured about yourself. It’s now time to stay in faith so God can move the gatekeepers out of your way. And Fam, the moment you decide that you can be the door and not always at the door is when you’re spiritually led to your divine supremacy. Your maximum potential lies within and the decision to annihilate the doubt today is yours for the taking.
This message was originally shared on instagram here.