They always assume you got it all figured out. They probably chuckle when you attempt to voice out your problems. And by default, you’ve subconsciously evolved into becoming a good listener. They even display animosity towards you on select occasions because…well, you seem to have it all figured out. What they don’t realize is you’ve learned to stop complaining when your subtle cry started falling on deaf ears.
And when that bedroom door is shut, and all you are left with are your thoughts and your anxiety, you feel utterly lost. You feel stuck on this journey you never asked for. But you somehow summon the courage to grow eager. Eager to devise a game plan that makes you feel enough. The game plan that permits you to believe that you belong. And yet without fail, something always stops you in your tracks. Could it be fear? Low self-esteem? Confusion?
You see, one of the simplest verses to memorize back in the day was “I and my Father are one.” (John 10:30). Until we seek wisdom, we may never understand that ‘Father’ does not necessarily mean a father on earth or our Father in Heaven. It could mean what our Father is purposed to nurture. Direction. Faith. Love.
Just take a moment to imagine being one with any of the above three, and yet you regularly embrace the state of feeling lost. It’s just deadly. Acceptance of the lost state turns you into someone you grow to detest. When you’re destined to love others wholeheartedly, you grow bitter without apparent cause. When you are blessed to celebrate others, you rather question your potential. I mean how can you expect their harvest when you haven’t sown their seed? It’s high time you stop allowing the successes of others to dictate how you operate. Run your own race and at your own pace, reminding yourself with each hurdle you jump over that you had a choice. You indeed have a choice. A dire choice to accept the lost state as ordinary or as transitionary. Ultimately the Direction lies within.