Sometimes, a simple tweak in your communication shifts your economic reality. In my late teens, I made a conscious effort to eliminate the words ‘I’m broke’ from my conversations. Instead, I would rather say ‘I’m experimenting.’ For me, choosing the word ‘experimenting’ affirmed that the lack of capital is only a phase and God is testing my will before blessing me with more. However, ‘broke’ subconsciously deterred me from breaking out of the ephemeral financial state.
Eight years ago, I embarked on a life-changing trip to teach vulnerable youth in Ghana. Prior to this trip, I held a flawed mentality that anyone can be successful if they worked hard. However, when I listened to the varied challenges of our students, I finally understood that the only reason why I was in front of them, and not the other way around, was because I had opportunity. Indeed, it was this experience that set me on a personal mission to create economic opportunities for millions of people globally.
What’s exciting is that many of you have the opportunity to monetize your skills in this digital age, and yet you keep complaining about being broke. Newsflash; there’s someone out there who is willing to pay for a combination of two unique skill sets that you’ve naturally acquired on your journey. And the longer you wait to be introspective, the more you’re doing the world a disservice. You see, chasing money is how most of us miss what we’re due. The secret to attracting money is to tap into the excellence that has been planted within you before you were formed in the womb.
Let me encourage you. The week before announcing the decision to close down our company, an entrepreneur I greatly admire reached out for a meeting during her short layover. We only spoke for half an hour but the next day, she introduced me to a friend. Unbeknownst to me, that friend was building a fund that would eventually wire us enough funds to sustain our operations for the rest of that year. Fam, this was precisely the moment I understood that if you have a mission of God and pursue excellence at all costs, you will simply never run out of money. Series End.
This message was originally shared on Instagram here.