Let the Light Through*

Mother often recounts a scenario in my childhood where I was strolling alone on our compound and glanced upon a darkened image. Immediately, I began to scream. And then naturally, I started running away from this image, as it continued to chase me into the depth of the darkness. Little did I know that the image was my shadow, and only when I allowed the light to pass through me, was when the shadow eventually disappeared.

In the same light, we often neglect the integral role our subconscious minds play in every decision we nurture and every action we conceive. The subconscious is simply power without direction and, according to research, makes up 95% of our brain power. But time and time again, we are not intentional about what we feed it. We keep track of the calories we intake but loose sight of the nature of information we cook up daily for the subconscious. Just like clockwork, we give direction to thoughts planted within the soils of our subconscious to dictate whether we blossom or eventually wither. The byproduct of the latter? We end up welcoming generational curses onto our respective paths.

Now similar to my childhood scenario, the more you run, the more the curses chase you. It traps you in a corner- waiting for your subconscious to be fed with more negativity upon negativity. But there’s hope. Curses are often mitigated when you allow the light to pass through your subconscious. Letting the light through permits you to live a life free of anxiety and remodels depression as elevation. The light repairs your blurred vision and guides you in embracing what you see versus what you retain (huge difference). Now that alone is such a powerful choice to have as a conquerer! Now, more than ever before, is the time to pick up your inner magnifying glass and point it at apex of your subconscious- you must give direction for the light to pass through, magnificently.

Reinvention is the Key - Part 2*

When we make the decision to reinvent ourselves, the hardest part is usually letting go of the old to embrace the new. Letting go does not necessarily mean burning to ashes the image you’ve built over the years. In most cases, it means fleeing away from the expectations others have set for you; learning to disallow others to live vicariously through you at the cost of your sanity; alienating the overwhelming need for approval on the choices you make.

One of my favorite stories in the Book of Genesis is about the wife of Lot (unnamed). In this story, two visiting angels urged Lot and his family to flee Sodom to avoid being caught in the impeding disaster due to the iniquity of the city. The only rule was for them to never look back. Lo and behold, Lot’s wife simply could not let go of the past- she looked back. She turned into a pillar of salt. Similar to Lot’s wife, most of us are salty because we keep looking back while our counterparts forge ahead.

You may be working in a role you detest but cannot seem to loosen your grip. You may be building a business that fails to generate revenue regardless of the countless pivots. You may be in that “perfect relationship” yet you suffocate on more days than you breathe in the aroma of love. Across the board, what often stops us from looking forward is the deeply rooted perception we believe others have of us. We cannot let go of our mare’s nest since we fear we might be judged, or worse, written off by those we seek approval from.

But here’s the painful truth- your real loved ones care first about your well-being (let that sink in). Not about the number of times you have to let go in order to re-strategize to re-invent yourself on the plateau. Now there’s honor in letting go of what you have been committed to for weeks, months, years. Letting go allows you to evolve and jump back into the arena as a revived person. But this time around- wiser, as the lessons always translate. Always remember- tuning out the noise to tune in is the best compass you require to navigate the journey. Forge ahead.

Reinvention is the Key - Part 1*

One artist I’ve been fascinated by over several years is Kanye West. Despite moments in which his actions were clearly questionable, it seemed impossible to just write him off. Now this service is by no means about Kanye but about the importance of reinvention and how it is actually an underrated competitive advantage.

The reality is Kanye could have focused strictly on music and continued to grow his impact however, he kept reinventing himself in a society where doers are quickly forgotten, and our “why” easily withers. Few months back, I stumbled upon “jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy” on Netflix, and was locked in on a rare footage. In this footage, Pharrell said to Kanye; “The power of your work comes from your hunger. So don’t let this get into your head and cause you to loose that.” Such simple words but the few who embrace this truth are precisely those we often hear about at the turn of each decade.

At certain stages in our lives, where the fire in our bellies refused to be quenched by the water bodies in our surroundings, we too possessed that raging hunger to create, to inspire, to empower, to evolve. Yet somehow we allowed the early wins to suppress the long-term vision of whom we have been called to be. We accepted that part of the journey as the entrée, when it was only meant to be a starter.

Without being conscious of this, we ended up giving our hunger the permission to reinvent itself into complacency. And in usual fashion, we too became complacent. We cultivated the attitude of questioning whether we are indeed on the right path. On whether being here is even worth while. Thoughts- unwanted and unscrupulous thoughts- began to creep in. But it still felt impossible to move forward, didn’t it? Because reinvention is often accompanied by a high risk of failure. So naturally, we became timid to even try.

But what if you actually succeeded at the first or second or third attempt? Fam, just picture yourself a decade from now reflecting on the last ten years. Imagine still being in the same place, yet everyone around you may have completely evolved and progressed. Was the complacency truly worth it?

The Last Quarter*

During one of my early morning walks in NY, I overhead two middle-aged men discussing their lack of funds. One randomly asked the other; “If someone gave you $1M right now, will that be enough for you?” The other quickly responded, “I will be the same person.” What’s interesting is that the question was not directly answered. It required a simple yes or no. However, the respondent had been preconditioned to believe $1M is not enough to ameliorate his financial state.

One could presume that $1M is indeed no where close to helping him attain his goals. Totally fair. However, this thought process usually trickles down into many of us feeling stuck in our respective predicaments- despite the seemingly “small” breakthroughs. In fact, the conversation is quite analogous to the amount of time we have all been blessed with. If asked whether the rest of this year is enough to bring our resolutions to fruition, you too may quickly respond, “ah well, I’m sure by the end of this year, I will still be the same person. 2023 will be different though.” Another cycle continues.

The challenge most of us face is that regardless of how much time we have been given, we may never feel it’s enough to catalyze our destiny. We immerse ourselves in flawed thought processes, and accept the status quo as the way things will always be. And this is often regardless of the miracles we know we are bound to receive once we learn to believe.

Fam, it’s about time your mindset evolves. For it’s the last quarter. Which means it’s not too late to learn to rise up early, and operate from a mind-frame of abundance. There’s still enough time to keep persevering without evidence- embracing at your core that the hurdles are only laid on your path to make you a polished storyteller. Stop waiting until next year to restart- you do possess the power to do something extraordinary between today and December 31st. Let’s move!

Embrace Your Past

And when I stood on that stage and cracked open my lips, my voice cracked even harder. I just froze. Mind you, I had spent countless nights memorizing my lines for the school-wide play. The same play where all parents were scheduled to attend, and where I was delegated to play the role of General Kutu Acheampong- Ghana’s Former Head of State. What happened between freezing and being carried out of the stage has been completely blurred out of memory.

Roughly a decade later, I found myself back on stage to perform a spoken word poem. And when I stood in that foreign room filled with unfamiliar faces, I knew there were only two options: (1) Accept that stage fright still defines my present or (2) Prove to that little boy that sometimes we face road blocks only because we have been divinely appointed with a responsibility to serve as an example for others.

Aligning my self with the latter option is what made the difference. And the moment a stranger approached me to express her chills, it was so clear that what happened to that little boy was not coincidental. That moment was necessary so God could prepare a table before me (Psalm 23:5). Now as I have continued to evolve in my career, I’ve been invited to speak on stages across four continents. It recently dawned upon me; what an incredibly small price to pay for pursuing a life of meaning.

You see in this game of life, sometimes what’s put in front of you to cripple your destiny is exactly what you need to dribble your way to your purpose. It’s so simple to tune out your past, and create a whole new identity where looking back is taboo. But what you may be forgetting is that at the end of all your exploring, you will arrive exactly where you started. Now as opposed to letting your past destruct you, you have the power to rather see your past as your greatest competitive advantage. And the moment you can learn to nurture this thought and let Love lead, you will be the invincible person you were once moulded to become.

Purify Your Intentions

As I presented my passport at the counter, the handling agent immediately excused herself and submitted it to her supervisor. Upon her return, her following words were, “please give us 15 minutes.” 15 turned into 30. 30 into 60. Finally, her manager approached me with a straight face.

Apparently my name had been flagged by the U.S CBP the day before. Strangely enough, they had still not received any feedback as to why. Regardless, my faith to catch that abrupt flight never wavered. This was simply because I knew the moment I welcomed fear into our midst could invite the wrong energy and lead things to spiral downhill. After another ~half hour of waiting, my passport was handed back, and my bags were checked in.

While rushing to board, one of the security personnel approached and asked, “Are you Acheampong?” When I confirmed, he smiled and said, “We googled you.” He then explained that there are a certain group of people who have been using fake passports to seamlessly enter the states. They still hadn’t received any feedback but they somehow believed I’m legitimate. “Keep up the good work,” he added and disappeared.

Despite the unpleasant experience, I was reminded that doing the work — and most importantly having the right intentions — is enough. What I’ve loved over the years, regardless of the rollercoasters, is my firm decision to provide opportunity for others. And through this simple act, it has allowed my light to shine before women and men (Matthew 5:16). Fam, as you navigate the challenges associated with serving others, there’s a high chance you will not be noticed for your output right away. There’s also a high chance you may be at a crossroads on countless occasions. At that point, does calling it quits make sense or do you learn to accept that it’s only a matter of time?

Let me encourage you. Time and time again, the financial rewards and global recognition may not manifest the way and speed at which you envision it. But what you can manifest today are the purity of your intentions; a decision that would position others to blow trumpets to announce the legitimacy of your arrival tomorrow.

The Lost State*

They always assume you got it all figured out. They probably chuckle when you attempt to voice out your problems. And by default, you’ve subconsciously evolved into becoming a good listener. They even display animosity towards you on select occasions because…well, you seem to have it all figured out. What they don’t realize is you’ve learned to stop complaining when your subtle cry started falling on deaf ears.

And when that bedroom door is shut, and all you are left with are your thoughts and your anxiety, you feel utterly lost. You feel stuck on this journey you never asked for. But you somehow summon the courage to grow eager. Eager to devise a game plan that makes you feel enough. The game plan that permits you to believe that you belong. And yet without fail, something always stops you in your tracks. Could it be fear? Low self-esteem? Confusion?

You see, one of the simplest verses to memorize back in the day was “I and my Father are one.” (John 10:30). Until we seek wisdom, we may never understand that ‘Father’ does not necessarily mean a father on earth or our Father in Heaven. It could mean what our Father is purposed to nurture. Direction. Faith. Love.

Just take a moment to imagine being one with any of the above three, and yet you regularly embrace the state of feeling lost. It’s just deadly. Acceptance of the lost state turns you into someone you grow to detest. When you’re destined to love others wholeheartedly, you grow bitter without apparent cause. When you are blessed to celebrate others, you rather question your potential. I mean how can you expect their harvest when you haven’t sown their seed? It’s high time you stop allowing the successes of others to dictate how you operate. Run your own race and at your own pace, reminding yourself with each hurdle you jump over that you had a choice. You indeed have a choice. A dire choice to accept the lost state as ordinary or as transitionary. Ultimately the Direction lies within.

August Fuel

Which means August is almost here. Which means you have successfully experienced 7 months of 2022. Which means the memories created would be invaluable until the end of time. Which means you possess the power to trace your attitude back to first principles, and to where you first got the idea that the fountain of success is not your portion. Which means you can work to change the perception of yourself by learning to control your mind. Which means you know in your forgiving heart that you are still here for a reason.

Which means you have 5 months. 5 solid months to do something remarkable- something scary, something beautiful. Which means you need to quit putting yourself down. I mean, are you not tired of being walked on? Which means you need to stop thinking of all the reasons you cannot succeed and instead start thinking of all the reasons you can. Which means you can still get up, stand up, for your aspirations.

Which means you have earned the courage to live- a courage not everyone who started this year could afford. Which means, in fact, you are wealthier than most. You have earned the opportunity to smile another day. Take it! You have earned the opportunity to embrace the fortunate and unfortunate realities this life has to offer. Just love it! Which means it’s absolutely not okay to categorize this as your worst year. Come on — too soon! Which means it’s very okay to call it your best year. Which means the best is yet to come- real talk, can you not feel it?

Which means you are now about to act the part of the successful person you have decided to become. Which means you understand the power of manifestation. Ooo let’s go! Which means you realize a miracle is knocking on your door. Wait hold up…why are you still glued to a couch that rather serves it’s purpose each day? Which means the miracle is now kicking at the door with a force greater than theirs of gravity. Still resisting? No no, you can do better than the enemy of progress. Which means- can you cultivate the au-dacity to open?

Levels to Perspective*

Some of y’all are depressed because you wake up each morning and drag yourselves to a job. Others are conflicted because you perceive your career as nothing more than a paycheck; always checking your network for a bigger check. By simply tapping into the right energy, you might just attract it- eager to prove to people who don’t care that you are indeed pursuing something worthwhile. But in reality, you may be filled with buckets of emptiness. What we fail to realize is the breakthrough is in accepting and acknowledging the now, and not in a paycheck. Let’s add some color to this…

…Once upon a time, a woman approached three bricklayers who were busy laying bricks. She asked them, “What are you doing?” The first bricklayer responded, “I’m laying bricks.” The second, “I’m building a church.” The third, “I’m building the house of God.” Evidently the first has a job, the second- a career, and the third- a calling. All three men were engaged in the same exact profession. The striking difference was perspective. Matter of fact, the daring difference was that one completely understood it when Jacob said, “I will not let you go until you bless me.” (Genesis 33:26). That chosen one embraced the fact that by changing his perspective about his profession, and not letting the possibilities of tomorrow slip through his fingers, he will indeed be blessed and eventually seize his calling.

Now, you may be occupying a role that does not align with what you strongly believe to be your calling. But have you stopped to think that this specific role may be the stepping stone you need to crack open and tap into the greatness within? It’s honestly about time you realize that there is truly levels to perspective, and the level at which you are currently operating on could dictate your retrogression or progression. Level up strategically because once you learn to listen to your heart when it whispers, you won’t have to go through heartbreaks when it’s forced to scream.

Emanate Radiantly

As we flew into New York from New Orleans, several emergency lights flashed repeatedly. The pilot then announced “…no cause for alarm, the hydraulic systems are failing…” As you can imagine, almost everyone panicked. However, there was this one lady — sat adjacent to me — who maintained her composure and continued to flip through her magazine. The man sitting next to her, presumably her husband, was evidently restless. But the calm energy she emanated in that moment somehow encouraged me to believe we will survive. When we landed, there were literally fire engines and ambulances on standby- we must have really dodged a bullet.

Two years later, I was on another flight to Dublin from Nairobi, where we experienced a nosedive. Twice. Butts were completely lifted off the seats, heads dangled in the air like theirs of giants amongst average persons. In the heat of the moment, I recalled the composed lady. I was unsure whom or what she believed in but it was so clear she understood her time was not up yet. That reminder propelled me to remain calm and assured me that everything will eventually normalize. That reminder catapulted my belief that I wasn’t going down just like that, especially when I was no where close to fulfilling my God-given purpose. I genuinely manifested in that scary moment that I came into this world with nothing and by any means necessary, I’ve got to leave with something- something big.

We landed safely in Dublin, and several things became clear as day: (1) it was time to start living a life of meaning because “tomorrow is not promised” is not a cliche- it gets deeper than that / (2) we go through trials and tribulations today so we are well equipped with the weapons to fight and prevail tomorrow / (3) no matter who you are and where you are planted in this present moment, trust that someone is always watching. I’m unsure who needs to read this but someone out there is either empowered by your actions or disempowered by your energy. It’s about time you emanate radiantly; you were created to make someone’s life better by simply being you.

Lonely Ants Die Young

As I listened to the Word, the preacher shared the analogy of an ant who lived in a community of other ants. This specific ant refused to associate with other members of its community, and as such, they also neglected it and labored in preparation for the dry season. The dry season eventually came around, and all the ants in the community managed to survive on the food they gathered. They had planned in cohesion, and had enough to sustain themselves until they were able to work again. This lonely ant was not able to gather enough food by itself, and as expected, died young from hunger.

The reason why this story has remained so close to my heart seven years later is because I’ve always likened the ant to my personal vision. We’ve all been blessed with the ability to one day discover and honor our personal visions, to be inspired by what we stumble upon, and to take a step forward towards bringing our respective visions to majestic fruition. However, time and time again, this vision grows lonely as it’s secluded from positive forces that could sustain it, nurture it, and breathe joy into it. As such, this vision fails to embrace the required lens needed to capture the hearts of those we are placed here to serve.

Without fail, most of our personal visions never see the light, and ends up dissipating into another dream that hunts our souls for eternity. It’s no coincidence that the wealthiest place in the world is not in the South African mines or Middle East oil rigs. The wealthiest place in the world is in the graveyard, where personal visions that could have manifested into businesses, novels, movies, paintings are buried. Personal visions are meant to be acted upon, and our role as chosen actors is to engage others to work with us in fulfilling God’s promise for all. It’s easy to look up in the Universe and feel too small to drive your personal vision forward. But hey, you also need to remember that you are big because you are connected to the Universe, which amasses billions of people, and the Universe is connected to you.

Show Up

As an entrepreneur, there are countless moments when you feel like not showing up. Imagine salaries are due in a week and your cash flow is airtight. Personally, these are the moments I literally feel sick. However, miracles do happen when your knees touch the ground and your prayers serenade the skies.

In 2021, My PA scheduled this interview because she believed it will be a good opportunity for our company’s brand. It was one of those moments I had zero interest in being a spokesperson. To top it off, I was only informed just the day before so I definitely decided not to show up for this interview on a Friday morning at 8am.

But I’m certainly glad I sucked it up. Since this interview — which has surprisedly accumulated over 6,000 views — I’ve spoken to aspiring entrepreneurs from all over the world who share a common interest: “Doing Business In Africa.” The beauty about my journey is that I’ve been fortunate (and stressed out 😅) to be involved in different lines of businesses as an operator and an investor on the continent. And since to whom much is given, much is expected, I’m always happy to share the few insights I’ve accumulated over the years.

Just last week, I wrapped up a call with a gentleman based in the UK. Lost, confused, yet hungry- I sensed in his tonality. It reminded me of myself from a few years ago. It then suddenly dawned on me: God puts a red carpet on our path so others can benefit from our learnings and seamlessly dance around our mistakes. The moments we are reluctant to show up could be the exact moments our service as doers are needed most.

Moving forward, I’m striving to tweak my mindset from “I’ve got to do this” to “I get to do this.” Because getting to do this [share your gift] is truly a blessing not everyone has the opportunity to experience.

One Random Encounter*

As I lifted my dumbbells in the gym, a gentleman in the UPS workers’ uniform struck up a conversation. Through our brief engagement, he uncovered that I had just secured admission to the university- where my questionable intention was to study pre-med. He beamed with pride from cheek to cheek, and then he shared a simple analogy that immediately challenged my perspective…

“As you take the next step in your journey, try not to get too comfortable. The inventor of the toilet seat cover is probably sitting in a private jet at the moment.”

I never met him or saw him again. However, that analogy stayed with me throughout college. I tried and failed several times to build something meaningful, something profitable, something simple. That unceasing entrepreneurial itch became a priority over academics. Though it’s only by grace that I was able to balance both.

As I recollect the conversation, I realize these are moments one can never place a price upon. We spend countless hours searching for inspiration, striving for clarity, when more often than not, the wisdom for direction may be embedded in conversations with a total stranger. How we decide to perceive the outcome of our interactions often dictates how our perspectives evolve, how our hearts operate, and how our minds escalate.

At any given moment in the circle of life, we may be aspiring, succeeding, or failing. With wisdom, we understand that these positions are transitory, not statements about our value. When success begins to slip from our fingers — for whatever reason — the response isn’t to grip and claw so hard that we shatter it to pieces. It’s to understand that we must work ourselves back to the aspirational phase. We must get back to first principles and best practices. We must realize that, as Denzel Washington said, If we hang around the barbershop long enough, sooner or later we’re going to get a haircut.

Just Show Up, Prepared

“Two by two they came into the boat, representing every living thing that breathes.” — Genesis 7:15.

As we venture into 2022, I encourage you to pause, reflect, identify, acknowledge, and accept who you are “stepping into the boat” with. One of my favorite topics as of late is centered around the ‘Power of Energy.’

Personally, I do not believe in bad energy. Who are we to label what is good and what is bad? Who are we to cast a stone at others? What I do believe in is a misalignment of energy. What this means is the people in your circle may not share the same wishes and aspirations as you do. Their bodies may physically celebrate with you but their energy may not spiritually vibrate with yours. As expected, you often realize that you fail to make continued progress. You fail to germinate. You fail to evolve. I’ve witnessed this in the past.

However, the moment I made a decision to be highly selective about who I share my plans with, who I pray with, and who I spend time with, I began to see a transition in my personal growth, in my career, and in my relationship with God. As we venture into 2022, I ask again, who are you “stepping into the boat” with? It may just make the difference between a supernaturally vibrant year and well, you know.

NB. My theme for 2022 is simple; “Just Show Up, Prepared!” Because I’ve learned that when you give it your all, that is when God rolls up His sleeves.

Own Your Truth

Lost my dad at age 10. Raised by a single mom. The oldest of 3 boys. Delivered pizza at 13. Flipped burgers at McDonalds at 16. Childhood friends we balled with never made it to 18. Launched my first official company at 19- zero capital and no direct mentorship. Perceived to fail.

Society frequently reminds me that we were never supposed to make it this far. But then a voice consistently whispers within: “I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses” (Joshua 1:3). And then it suddenly dawns on me- we were sent to break generational curses fam. This isn’t about me, this is about us. We were commissioned to push an agenda forward. We were born to build legacies- and we’ve barely begun to scratch the surface. We are the missing piece of the enigma. Just apply faith and believe!

One thing is for certain though: We did not come this far to only come this far. Mashallah.

Sell Hope

A few years ago, a start up advisor simply said “…so you sell hope.” I disagreed because I believed we were providing a needed skill that would transform the scope of one’s life through increased incomes, and ultimately advance Africa. To put it into context, our vision at Blossom Academy is to create African data scientists who can solve Africa’s problems and propel the continent forward.

However, just yesterday, his statement begun to make sense. I caught up with a hiring partner to inquire how one of our graduates was performing. He shrugged and said, “…he also relocated to Italy.” Ironically enough, I’ve silently observed this trend where a number of our graduates have moved to countries across Europe and Canada, and assumed roles in the world of data.

As a founder-led company, this absolutely feels like we are failing in our ability to execute on a personal vision. Some may even be quick to term our approach as brain-drain. However, it suddenly dawned on me: we cannot dictate how someone decides to maximize their God-given potential. What we can control is the value we provide to each other and the impact we are capable of nurturing in our lifetime. Personally for me, that’s one of the many beauties of building something from ‘scratch.’

As you power through the rest of 2021 (2022 for context purposes), I encourage you to empower and to “sell hope”. It may not manifest the way you envision it. But learn to accept that it’s perfectly okay to not realize your desired outcome today, tomorrow, or even in your lifetime. More often than not, when you put your hand in the dark to help another hand, you end up realizing it’s your own.


November has been occupied with business trips. At one point, I found myself in The Gambia positioned in a room filled with government officials across Africa. My task was quite straightforward: discuss tangible ideas and the interventions required to support youth entrepreneurs operating within Africa. Why was I the only youth entrepreneur invited? I’ve learned to not question opportunities because I understand that a deserving mentality yields prosperous outcomes.

The challenge I’ve seen displayed amongst the majority of youths is inferiority complex, imposter syndrome, feeling of unworthiness. However, I believe that if you are fortunate to have been planted somewhere foreign, you owe yourself the responsibility to affirm that you are exactly where you need to be. You deserve the sunlight to grow. You deserve the water to bloom. You deserve the carbon dioxide to fill up the room with your grace. You deserve to reign. To roar! For your voice can and will transcend mountains. But first, you need to develop an uncontested belief in yourself. It’s exactly at this point where all the stars begin to align and the rest is just bliss.

Trust the Process*

Sunday testimonial. In 2018, I went and pitched at the Georgetown Business Conference (GBC). I spent the entire bus ride from New York City preparing for this pitch. And I’m confident I delivered. However, I didn’t win the $1000 award. As I felt disappointment rush through my veins, a lady approached me and advised that I study the business model of a successful Nigerian company.

Fast forward, a few months later, I was on an Emirates flight on my way to Nairobi for the Princeton in Africa Fellowship Program. Coincidentally I heard the same Nigerian company mentioned on the flight- which led me to pay close attention. They had just received an Impact Grant from Expo 2020 Dubai. So guess what? I applied too. Mind you, we had barely even launched Blossom Academy. It was purely based on faith.

A year later, I was flown into Dubai to pitch. God delivered through me and this time around, we won $100,000. I think back to this moment and wonder what would have happened if my disappointment from the GBC propelled me to leave the conference- as I had intended to. I trusted the process. It just wasn’t my time. I genuinely believed God had His reason. And this belief led Him to multiply that $1000 by 100. I’m unsure who needs to read this but your x100 is coming. Just trust the process.