Mother often recounts a scenario in my childhood where I was strolling alone on our compound and glanced upon a darkened image. Immediately, I began to scream. And then naturally, I started running away from this image, as it continued to chase me into the depth of the darkness. Little did I know that the image was my shadow, and only when I allowed the light to pass through me, was when the shadow eventually disappeared.
In the same light, we often neglect the integral role our subconscious minds play in every decision we nurture and every action we conceive. The subconscious is simply power without direction and, according to research, makes up 95% of our brain power. But time and time again, we are not intentional about what we feed it. We keep track of the calories we intake but loose sight of the nature of information we cook up daily for the subconscious. Just like clockwork, we give direction to thoughts planted within the soils of our subconscious to dictate whether we blossom or eventually wither. The byproduct of the latter? We end up welcoming generational curses onto our respective paths.
Now similar to my childhood scenario, the more you run, the more the curses chase you. It traps you in a corner- waiting for your subconscious to be fed with more negativity upon negativity. But there’s hope. Curses are often mitigated when you allow the light to pass through your subconscious. Letting the light through permits you to live a life free of anxiety and remodels depression as elevation. The light repairs your blurred vision and guides you in embracing what you see versus what you retain (huge difference). Now that alone is such a powerful choice to have as a conquerer! Now, more than ever before, is the time to pick up your inner magnifying glass and point it at apex of your subconscious- you must give direction for the light to pass through, magnificently.