As she shared her well-thought-out insights on the African diaspora, I couldn’t help but intervene; “Launch your own startup- I see an entrepreneur in you!” She chucked (and I paraphrase), “Maybe you should look again. My skills will be best served supporting tech start ups”. I didn’t persist.
Almost a week later, one of my business partners expressed her frustration about an on-going contract. As I sensed her helplessness, all I could say to pacify her anger was; “Starting a company and sustaining it are two different things.” In truth, I too needed that reminder. You see, the first lady had been honest with herself. She may have understood sustainability is usually more important than commencement. The truth is almost anyone can start a company- but to keep it going effortlessly- fam, that takes a different kind of mentality that you have to learn, unlearn, and relearn.
I digress. One of my favorite interview questions is, “If I gave you $10,000, what business would you start?” The applicants I’m always impressed by are those who walk me through their thinking from Day 0 through roadblocks- no matter how tough. From what I’ve found, their initiative serves as assurance that when we step on the gas, and hit that brake pad abruptly for the sharp exit, their seatbelts will already be in tact.
This is not meant to dissuade you but to remind you that intentionality at the earliest stages of building is prevalent. Your loved ones may tell you to “revisit your why” when you cry. Unfortunately, what they may not share is that your ‘why’ changes as you evolve towards perfection. Who knows, the revisitation might rather paralyze your grind. But if you have the determined mindset that you are in for the long haul, the frustrations will not only be ephemeral, but will also be perceived as learning experiences.
Fam, the next time you get the urge to start that company, (1) be honest with yourself and (2) pray for clarity and seek direction. If the revelation does not align with your forecasted implementation, you’ve saved yourself years of stress and pressure. Stay vigilant; the right time always comes- just rarely seized.