What's Yours Is Yours?

On a recent business trip, I met with an inspiring entrepreneur during a gathering. And as we were parting ways, we connected on Instagram, where I saw ‘Forbes 30U30’ in her bio. I passed a joke- “Ah you’re fancy.” She then shrugged; further expressing that she never applied but an anonymous individual nominated her. What she was still in disbelief about was the fact that Forbes could not get in touch with her. They had sent emails and called her on countless occasions. They even messaged her across social media platforms but she was completely off the radar. When she eventually checked her Twitter account, she saw several messages from the Forbes team. The rest, as they say, is history.

What’s fascinating is she never felt the need to be recognized- she simply did the work. Or hold up- was it so ‘simply’? One point we rarely draw our attention to when we reach a milestone is the silent application of favor in bringing that milestone to fruition. Best believe there are doors you are able to enter today only because of your level of favor- and nothing to do with the moves you’ve calculated. In contrary, there are doors you cannot see even if you stood on the shoulders of giants; thanks to the level of your favor. The concept of favor cannot be explained nor should it be questioned. But there’s one thing that happens without fail- favor increases the more you pursue excellence…

…In fact, your level of favor shoots up when you see another’s success as an indication that God is in the neighborhood- you’re up next. Which means you know developing bitterness in your heart, and embracing animosity as the recipe to your consolation, will only lead to stagnation. Fam, your level of favor escalates the moment you accept that God will not hold you accountable for someone else’s blessings. And living out your truth is in fact an act of doing yourself a favor. This, in turn, also increases your favor. What’s even more beautiful is that somebody is always watching, readily willing to contribute to your vision. But let’s assume you do not buy into that principle. Rest assured, God always has His eyes on you- what’s yours is yours.