Brothers, Brothers, Brothers. On this International Women's Day, permit me to share the story of an incredibly phenomenal woman from the Bible. I mean the kind of woman whose presence in your life alone will birth generational blessings. This woman called Ruth was married to the son of Naomi. After being widowed, Ruth had the option of abandoning her mother-in-law. But instead, she relocated with Naomi and continued to demonstrate true loyalty and devotion. Come on.
Let’s cut to the chase. On one beautiful day, Ruth went to glean wheat on the fields of a wealthy man known as Boaz. When Boaz saw Ruth, he was just mesmerized. Now because of Ruth's commitment to her mother-in-law, Naomi coached her on getting Boaz to put a ring on it. Just imagine. That marriage between Ruth and Boaz completely changed the lives of the two women. Listen fam, you just can never get rid of the woman who is supposed to stay in your life. If she walks away, she was not supposed to stay. And sometimes, you just have some inner work to do- and that’s okay. Go do that.
The story gets interesting. From this union, Ruth and Boaz conceived Obed. From Obed came Jesse. From Jesse came David. From David came the Messiah. Brothers, we sometimes underestimate the power of a good woman - showered with grace - to completely turn our lives around. If you have found her, just don’t mess up. But stay alert. In the same light, the woman who chooses to be with you for the wrong reason(s) can also destroy your life. Sampson can give you free counseling on this. So commit wisely. This is where prayer and discernment plays a critical role in deciding who you build with, serve, and hold in the highest esteem.
You see, we often recite "He who finds a wife finds a good thing." But how many of us realize that an equally important part of that scripture is "...and receives favor from the Lord”? But please don’t rush and marry because you want favor. The favor in discussion does not simply come from a ceremony and court signing- it's really deeper than that. This favor stems from loving your partner just as Christ loved the Church; just like how you love your own body- your temple. Bro, are you ready for that level of intimacy? Let me remind you that it transcends the physical. But if you can get there, the peace of mind that is birthed from demonstrating unfiltered love can just never be quantified. Real talk.
Now this peace of mind and clarity you eventually attain from being faithful, being caring, and being Godly - coupled with the support system from a good woman - is what serves as the catalyst for unlocking that favor. Let me end on a selfish note; have you noticed that most of the successful men today just happen to respect their partners? No coincidence.