During a conversation with another entrepreneur at a private dinner, an elderly gentleman approached us. He first turned to me; “So, what brings you here?” I responded, “We secured a grant from the government.” He nodded, and then turned to the other. His response; “The government is one of our partners.” And just like that, the elderly gentleman diverted his attention to the other entrepreneur for about an hour until he abruptly disappeared. It turns out he was a diplomat in search of education partners for his home government.
My fellow entrepreneur was indeed correct. We too had signed a service contract to partner with this government. However, the reasoning behind my response was because at one point in our journey, we relied solely on grants. Even when we identified other revenue streams, the word ‘grant’ had been ingrained into our minds for so long that fully embracing the next steps in our journey seemed like a stretch. What we hadn’t realized then was that God is too big to live in the jail cell of our mentality. You see, when we learn to expand our minds and keep refining our definition of greatness, the possibilities ahead are endless.
Time after time, we underestimate the potency of how we phrase our words, and this often leads to missing our window of opportunity or worse, decreasing our self-esteem. It’s crazy how on countless occasions, I’ve heard peers say about themselves, “Wow, I’m so stupid” after a relatively small error. Now what do you think your spongy mind will naturally do next? Fam, the kind of words your mind is fed with - whether consciously or not - can either box you in a cage or elevate you to the next stage of your journey.
As believers, we have all been given the power to prophesy upon our lives. It’s this same power that positions us to phrase our words in ways that benefit us (attract blessings) rather than harm us (attract pain). So in the past, if you vocalized that you needed that person to feel complete, then today, let me remind you that you rather choose that person because you are complete. All words but your elevation lies in how you phrase your thoughts moving forward.