You Have Prayed- So What?

As I expounded on our business challenges to one of our advisors, he interrupted by asking “were you not the same person interviewed on CNN International?” I nodded. He continued, “there are business people who have earned millions because of one global spotlight; what did you make of yours?” I was silent.

Let’s rewind. Before this feature, we had prayed and hoped so long for a breakthrough. Funders were quiet, sales had exponentially dipped, and our most seasoned manager resigned with no prior notice. However, when it seemed impossible to soar higher in the midst of the storm, God absolutely calmed us one morning in the storm. CNN had randomly contacted us for an interview and there was no way we were going to question that level of grace.

It’s often said God will not give you what you cannot manage. Truth. But what they do not add is that only you can PREPARE for the breakthrough with the talents and downtime - yes downtime - you have been blessed with. You see, the entire time we were praying for a breakthrough, we didn’t realize the delay was purposed to keep our house in order for what’s to come. It’s quite saddening that for some of us, if God were to answer all our prayers right away, we would have lost our heads. There’s evidently so much work to be done between the anointing and the appointing, and sometimes our pride prevents us from digging our bare hands into the soil.

The week that interview was broadcasted, emails and phone calls from government officials and respected business executives from all over the world visited our doorstep in volumes. But it was so clear after each call that praying for a breakthrough is only 50% of the work. The other 50% is the conscious preparation towards a plausible divine manifestation. For us, this was one of the best lessons we could have understood at that stage in the Blossom Academy journey- you just cannot have growth without disruption. So fam, whenever you pray for that breakthrough moving forward, always make sure your level of preparation mitigates the nature of disruption that lies ahead. You have prayed- so what? The choice of the ‘what’ is yours to make.

The Acumen Story

As I reflect on 2022, I realize that my will was absolutely tested on countless occasions. It was the year where a series of rejection emails revisited my door step in harmony. My self esteem certainly took an unexpected hit however, I’m also grateful to have understood that sometimes cultivating a more persevering spirit is not an option but rather the norm.

As fate would have it, I was welcomed to join the Acumen West Africa Fellowship Program towards the end of the year. The irony of this outcome is how sick I had abruptly become throughout the two-day interview. The insistent coughing and the sweats that profusely escaped through my pores refused to be suppressed by all the remedies sought for. So one could imagine my disbelief when months later, I was selected amongst the 2% of applicants.

It was at this moment where it became clear that when an opportunity has your name inscribed on it, there is absolutely no way it will pass you by. Regardless of how long it spins around the block, it will eventually make its way to your doorstep- believe that. This part of the success equation has to be what some of us call Favor. The other part is by no doubt Hard work- which absolutely travels alongside luck.

While in Nigeria with my co-Fellows earlier this month, I understood some of us had applied to join the Fellowship several times in the past while others were given the opportunity at the first shot. But here is what I found even more fascinating; the timing seemed to have aligned so perfectly with each Fellow’s professional journey. One year before or after, it may not have made sense. And this was when it hit me- the missing part of the equation you can partially control through discernment is Timing. As it’s beautifully shared in Proverbs 19:21, “you can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.” So the next time you encounter a rejection, just smile and affirm that it’s a redirection to God’s purpose for you. The sun always shines, how much more you?

Learning to Love Again*

Why don’t you think you are deserving of love? You’ve internalized this belief for way too long, and whenever someone gets remotely close, your actions seem to drive them away. “We all have our demons,” you often share with others as you cope. But what the world doesn’t know is you lay in bed deep in your thoughts contemplating what it is you’ve been possessed with. You ponder over whether love is a made up concept that only you do not seem to understand, to fully grasp.

Over the years, you’ve successfully tucked away the pain associated with life lessons disguised as heartbreaks. It seems you’ve fully recovered but strangely enough, certain scars you stumble upon trigger unforgiving memories. Your resurfaced insecurities hunt you and constantly remind you of your complexities. It’s so clear your newfound person cannot seem to navigate what it is exactly that you actually search for. So in attempt to love you, they attempt to change you. You too attempt to change them.

Learning to love again is not a project so tuck away that ideology before your tears fail you again. The painful truth you are yet to embrace is that people do not change for people; they change for themselves. Let that sink in. The moment you try to change someone, the person automatically perceives you do not love them for who they are. It rather portrays that you’re in love with their potential or the version of themselves that is most befitting for you. Naturally, this fuels distaste and leads the relationship to wither just as quickly as it started.

It’s certainly not too late though- you can still learn to love again once you map out a vision for your next relationship. You can still learn to love again once you first learn to truly love yourself before dumping your issues on an innocent soul. And as you do love again, you must accept that your past does not define you, and the love you deserve will never question it. Your person awaits and anticipating perfection will cause you to miss this. If the shared purpose of life is to evolve towards perfection, what better way to evolve than with the one that you genuinely love? Happy Valentine’s Day.

Spiritual Assignments

It’s fascinating how I ran into him at a family gathering, where he trumpeted about how Blossom Academy gave him direction. In that moment, I understood that when you stretch your hand into the dark to help another hand, you find out it’s your own. Several months ago, a member of our team contemplated her decision to explore an opportunity that better aligned with her career trajectory. As I encouraged the final decision, she asked, “you do realize Blossom is a ministry, right?” I smiled.

Shortly afterwards, I stumbled upon Psalm 72:16 which states “…and may people blossom in the cities like the grass in the field!” For the first time, I understood the name that was placed on our hearts is in itself prophetic. I also gained clarity that when God puts a vision on our hearts, He intentionally does not spell out the roadmap because we are His ambassadors- our testimonies serve as encouragement for others. No wonder why the journey has been a rollercoaster yet for reasons beyond imagination, we continue to climb upwards.

As I took a step back to reflect, I now comprehend that when we cultivate the desire to serve, our spiritual assignments visit us through a wide range of peculiar mediums or signs. These signs are God’s whisper to stop crawling and take that bold step forward because He is the ‘God of somehow.’ Somehow He will intervene when we need Him most. Somehow. Yet we lose hope upon the first sign of an obstacle, and give up. The majority of us also forget that there’s one thing to feel the vision, and another to see the manifestation…

Riddle me this. You ever wondered why God hated Esau, but loved Jacob (Malachi 1:2-3)? You see, when Abraham produced the seed, Isaac passed the seed, and Jacob MULTIPLIED the seed. Esau, on the other hand, failed to let the seed germinate because he did not cherish it. He underestimated the potency of his calling. So Fam, the next time you are assigned, learn not to embrace the ideology that “I will go when I know the outcome.” Because God might just plant the seed into someone else’s heart as He is looking for those who will eventually discover the recipe on the way.

Keep Your Hands On The Wheel*

It’s quite saddening that when you’re driven, you often realize too late that you’ve actually been in the passenger’s seat the entire time. You see, the ego is quick to position itself behind the steering wheel with its foot firm on the gas. The true self has been conditioned to believe that permitting the foot on the gas is how it derives its value. So you end up in this well structured rat race; disregarding the fact that your hands have been off the wheel the entire time. It’s no surprise that on multiple occasions, you crash- you burn out…

During my undergrad, I found great satisfaction from always being on the move. The adrenaline rush garnered from running between classes mirrored the desire to be caught striving for excellence. On one cold winter morning, in usual fashion, I rushed out of an elevator on campus. But this time around, the security guard stopped me and inquired, “Son, why are you always in a rush? Don’t you know it’s only the devil that’s always busy?”

In that moment, I felt perplexed as a cacophony of deafening thoughts weighed on my mind. It’s no secret that driven people have a tendency to live in where they are going at the expense of where they are. The unspoken truth is that when you eventually get to where you are going, you’ve most likely lost who you are. So what is the alienated reasoning for the rush, when you have the opportunity to know yourself and dictate a more authentic outcome of the journey?

The vision God has put on your heart is not dependent on your qualifications but on your trust and your faith in Him. Keep your hands firm on the wheel; you may not face potholes today, but you eventually will tomorrow because of where you have been appointed to go. Keep your hands on the wheel so when you’re reminded to refuel, you can move in the right direction for replenishment- not speed past your Source. Keep your hands on the wheel- your warmth in this cold world is still needed more than you can ever imagine. Now echoing the words of my Pastor, “when you don’t take a stand, don’t expect God to take a stand for you.” Reflect on it.

Are You Content?*

On the morning of the New Year, I woke up with a very peculiar resolution on my heart: “This year, I want to be happy.” The resolution seemed so dark and light at the same time. But what I did know was that one of the most important decisions in life is to be happy no matter what because life will throw curve balls at you no matter what. About a week later, I voiced out my resolution during a team meeting. Almost everyone laughed but only a few must have truly understood the intentionality and sacrifice required to attain happiness; genuine contentment.

When you’ve been blessed with the opportunity to experience a few wins, most people assume that you’re naturally content. What they may not realize is that your subtle fascination with comparison blinds you from appreciating how far you’ve come. What they may never know is that contentment became a far stretch for you when you stopped practicing gratitude for the cards you’ve been dealt with. What consoles you today is the haven you’ve built in the future but your unpaid dues continue to drag you into an unforgiving past.

As I reflected on my resolution, I stumbled upon a post in which the entrepreneur described his 2022 simply as ‘contentment.’ He was content not because he lacked ambition but because he found PEACE on his journey. The more I pondered the post, the better I understood that when you find peace with the path you’ve chosen, everything you deserve somehow mushrooms together for your greater good. Economists may call it the invisible hand, I call it Divine Intervention.

Most of us have a lucid image of the life we are certain will birth contentment. Until we can attain that dream, nothing seems to suppress the hunger that continues to germinate within. Well reality check; if you can never be content with the little you’ve been given today, you will never be content no matter how much more you attain tomorrow. You can only break free from this cycle of desperation when you discover peace on your own and practice gratitude. ‘Cause fam, being content has everything to do with your state of mind and so little to do with your burning desire. Stress less.

Why Sunday Service?

Throughout my journey, books have consistently led me, grounded me, and provided me with a roadmap. In 2022, I’ve been more intentional about reading books birthed by African writers. Lo and behold, I stumbled upon ‘Directions’ by Gwen Addo. Now I’ve admired Gwen for years; primarily because despite her success in the luxury hair industry, she does not diminish the God Factor in building her empire.

‘Directions’ birthed the inspiration for #SundayService (shared weekly on Instagram). On the chapter about social media, I was reminded that this platform is a place of service- a place to connect. That reminder cut across and upon completing the book, I felt God had just spoken to me. I felt directed to be more intentional about documenting my experiences, in hopes of empowering others. I recall debating with myself, “You’re doing enough to empower others” and then another voice would whisper, “Until you can learn to truly empty your cup, the dregs at the bottom will always dilute your empowerment.”

You see, we often underestimate the medium in which God feels best to capture our attention. However, cultivating a pure heart and learning to hear His voice through our seemingly everyday experiences best positions us to open the door when our breakthrough knocks. It’s no fault of our own; most of us are conditioned to believe that women and men of God are only those who have been called, or in some cases instilled upon themselves, to evangelize the Word from the pulpit. When we grow to embrace the reality that each of us - regardless of our flaws and limitations - can serve as messengers, we begin to operate from a higher place we may never be able to process.

Point in case. On many occasions, I’ve revisited past services and wondered if the words were indeed poured from my well of wisdom. And then it suddenly dawns on me: the moment you go on your knees and ask God to use you, you’ve now agreed to become His vessel. And the more you pour in abundance, the more He replenishes you in relevance. The more you pour selflessly, the more He serves as the compass you need to reach the pinnacle of whom you’ve been called to become. In 2023, don’t hold back.

Repositioning Is The Catalyst

Think back to the time where you felt restless, where someone else’s success brought pain, where you felt a disconnect between where you are and the life you envisioned for yourself. Now think even deeper into how you nursed your state of mind. You must have placed a bandage, but to your displeasure, it ripped off. The pain seemed to have healed but the visible scar runs deeper than what the naked eye can see. On select occasions, you’re reminded by your heart that you’re not where you’re supposed to be. You’re reminded by your surroundings that your limitation is your kryptonite. You’re reminded by the scripture that you’re missing the now in desperation to get to the later…

One of the most inspiring stories I’ve encountered in the Bible is theirs of Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus was a chief tax-collector at Jericho, and as Jesus was passing through the city, he was eager to see who this Savior was. Despite his massive wealth, Zacchaeus’ limitation was his short stature. In the heat of the moment, Zacchaeus ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree where he could get a better view. What’s fascinating about this story is that Jesus could have walked past the tree without noticing him. However, Jesus did not only ‘see’ him but decided to stay at his house- despite Zacchaeus being perceived as a sinner.

In reality, most of us are unable to move because we’re timid of what lies ahead when we reposition ourselves. As we can learn from the story of Zacchaeus, had he stood on the sidelines and observed, he would have missed his destiny. Had he chosen to not leverage a resource in his immediate surrounding, he may not have won the attention of Jesus. Zacchaeus didn’t use his riches, but a resource readily available to all of us. How are you leveraging the gifts given to you to reposition yourself for success? Fam, a simple act you take today can transform your generational curses into generational blessings. Flee away from overthinking your decisions, especially when it feels right because as it’s written in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”

The Waiting Period

At the closing ceremony of Blossom Academy’s recently completed cohort, we invited an alumni to share his experience. Here’s why: out of Bright’s group, he was the only one unable to secure the 6-month internship that follows our 3-month training. I recall vividly how disturbed he felt; especially since he resigned from a full-time job to enroll in our competitive Fellowship program. His peers all expressed their excitement in his presence and one could only imagine how much his frustration mushroomed.

However, Bright maintained the right ATTITUDE for months. Instead of feeling discouraged, he polished a few of the projects he had worked on in class and deployed them on LinkedIn. As fate would have it, he was contacted by a UK based company looking to set up a branch in Accra. Following a series of lengthy interviews, he was offered a full-time opportunity as their first in-house data analyst. Only eight months into the role, he is promoted to the Manager of Analytics, and entrusted to build a team of data analysts to support his vision.

Now during the waiting period, he must have experienced silent mockery from his peers, contemplated his decision to resign, and even suffered mental anxiety. In this same time, he kept praying for an internship with a local company- just like his peers had secured. But God was rather preparing a full-time permanent career at a global company. Fam- you cannot tell me God does not exist. In our darkest days, we still praise, we still roar!

Sometimes you face rejections because the light placed upon your life is too bright for those in your immediate surroundings to see. Your value is so majestic and cannot be contained by just anyone so most are quick to write you off. But similar to Bright, the outcome you expect is only taking time because the best dishes take intentionality to prepare. What if God is saying “you’re not forgotten but I’m hiding you and do not want to expose you prematurely?” What if God wants you to know what it feels like to be forgotten so you do not forget others when He elevates you? Your obstacles may seem big but never forget your destiny is insurmountable.

We All Go Through It*

“…'cause I can't bear the pressure.” I’ve replayed ‘Holy Spirit’ on several occasions and with each repeat, I’m reminded that judging others based on their portrayed success is simply flawed. We often repeat the words, “Don’t judge a book by its cover” but how many of us can attest to abiding by this advice? How many of us can cast a stone at those who fall short when the verdict calls (John 8:7)?

Being that Stormzy is possibly at the prime of his career, most may be quick to dismiss his vulnerability. It’s human nature. In fact, just recently, a friend expressed that one of my previous actions had hurt him. What’s interesting is I felt hurt too but had never processed the outcome of events from his perspective; until I addressed the elephant in the room. As we ended the conversation, I was reminded that we all possess emotions regardless of how we package our outward appearances. We all have our demons to fight.

Several years ago, I stumbled upon the concept of ‘Black tax’ in Trevor Noah’s book- Born a Crime. In brief, Black tax is money that *some* Black professionals provide to their family every month outside of their own living expenses- usually out of obligation. I reread that chapter not because I felt seen, but because I now understood pressure can morph into varied forms. Imagine meeting someone who hails from a wealthy family. Now imagine you find out she has battled with critical health issues her entire life and cries herself to sleep most nights. Just imagine if she had never opened up to you- wouldn’t you have assumed she is incredibly fortunate? Yet in her case, she hopes to breathe another day…

Now if there’s one belief I’ve embraced over the years, it’s this- knowing when to ask for help and how to accept it when offered can transform the entire scope of your life. It’s no secret that whenever God puts a great purpose in your life, He will put a great problem in front of it. But ultimately, it’s up to you to tackle the problem alone or engage the angels He sends your way to pursue the shared purpose (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). And when you can pursue the purpose, the promises will never allude you.

Seek Spiritual Rest

We kicked off the month at the United States Institute of Peace building strategic partnerships, transitioned to the World Bank HQ to discuss actionable tools that accelerate learning globally, and then honored an invitation to the residence of the France Ambassador to Senegal- where we broke bread and brainstormed ideas to promote economic opportunities for Africa’s youth. In each encounter, valuable outcomes sprouted from seeds planted years prior. However, as I moved from one setting to the next, I was subtly reminded that although God prepares a table before us (Psalm 23:5), the table will always shake in the midst of the turbulence if we fail to seek spiritual rest…

That initial reminder was ignored. So it manifested in the physical where I abruptly fell sick beyond comprehension. Trapped behind closed doors, I was encouraged to reflect. It became vaguely clear; we often move at speed, pour our energy into transactions disguised as meaningful relationships, and with our expectations tucked up our sleeves. The reasoning behind this is glaring. Our egos often bark, “Be exceptional.” Our spirits often whisper, “You’re automatically the chosen exception when you cast your burdens on Him.” The reality is our societies often prime us to be in control so the ego often wins.

Upon finding the strength to move again, I honored an invitation to encourage 500 young ladies at Legacy Girl’s college in Ghana. Despite the obstacles thrown our way on the drive, the newfound approach and refined mentality never wavered. Pour it all out with zero expectations. Pour it up. Now the irony is the more I poured, the more I felt replenished (Ruth 2:12). The more I poured, the more I felt spiritually rested. The more I poured, the more the pieces came together- things became crystal clear. You see, no matter how much you may sleep, you may still feel empty and strangely tired because you may not have attained full rest. And it’s no secret your enemies will always fight you the hardest when they know God has something in store for you. There’s indeed something in store for you; it’s really not the best time to lose your grip- rest up fam.

It's Not Your Cross To Bear*

“When God calls you, He qualifies you,” the investor echoed in our shared taxi ride. Why would God put a responsibility on your plate if He is not prepared to give you the qualifications for it? Why would God call you to serve if He is not willing to bring others on the journey to complement your skills and talents? Why would God sprinkle small wins at the early stages of the journey if He is not willing to encourage you to keep moving forward?

More often than not, you can tell when someone’s conviction is ego-led versus spirit-led. The latter recognizes that they are vessels; called to bring into fruition something bigger than their ego. One does not need to tell you there is no way the spirit-led will flop. You can just feel it in their energy. You can see the passion glistening in their eyes when they speak. You gravitate towards them without ever comprehending your core reasoning. The secret for them has always been in the knowing.

The knowing: the moment God has called you to move, you must move or ‘someone’ else will. Let’s unpack this. If ‘someone’ hasn’t been called for the assignment designed specifically for you, they will never implement it in the same ministerial way as you have been called to do. And that is a form of disservice.

As we delved even deeper into the conversation, something unlocked within. It’s one thing to pay attention to the signs that draw you closer to your calling. It’s another to encounter insurmountable roadblocks and feel the urge to throw in the towel on multiple occasions. However, the moments you recognize the journey is a spiritual assignment, you begin to accept that ‘it’s not your cross to bear.’

You see, when you are called to transform others, you may either be celebrated or targeted. Working diligently to remind yourself at each checkpoint that you are only a vessel trusted to lead reduces the chances of burn out and frustration. Working diligently to remind yourself that vessels are designed to sail permits you to move with grace. It’s about time you dismount the power of your so-called dysfunction; you have been called to function in abundance- claim it.

Hone Your Craft

One of my friends recently shared content online and was welcomed with an unbelievable amount of engagement. As a creative, this is usually a form of validation that your work is cherished by others. But what’s tempting is we might keep churning out the same kind of content without feeling the need to innovate because after all, we’ve discovered a recipe that works. However, my friend understood that sustained growth is an organic process and honing her craft must take precedent. She understood that the ones who make the most noise are often the ones who are often put on the pedestal at the early stages.

There’s this fascinating story where a woman walked up to Picasso and asked him to sketch an image on a piece of paper. Within 5 minutes, he completed the sketch and charged $10,000. The woman, astounded, protested that it only took 5 minutes. Picasso retorted, “the sketch may have taken 5 minutes but the learning took me 30 years.” Funny how in our digitally connected world, we strive for that 5 minutes of fame when we haven’t injected the years of hard work to sustain that fame or wealth- whichever we deem most important.

For context. At a recent business forum in the states, I listened keenly to a conversation about the role music plays in Africa’s global relevance. As the panelists shared their different perspectives, one in particular told a story where she once voiced out her idea about launching a music platform to a reputed investor. Immediately, the investor offered to write her a $100,000 check. What others may not have extracted from her testimony was the fact that she had spent three solid years writing about music trends on her blog. This gave her credibility and made it easier for someone with reputation to trust her.

It may seem what you’re working on in this season does not make sense. You cannot envision the returns nor smell the breakthrough from afar. But let me encourage you. Sometimes it’s not what you see on the surface level that matters; it’s what you attract based on the purity of your heart and the intentions of your elevation. Keep honing fam- the quick hype always dies down at some point.

November Fuel*

As I flew into Chicago, I sat next to two millennials, presuming both are anywhere from ages 23–25. Drinks were served. Per usual, I got my black coffee and both of them got ginger ale. What’s interesting is the one in the aisle seat also asked for a cup of orange juice. The guy in the middle seat then inquired, “How did you get that?” To that he responded “You gotta ask for it man.” And then added “They charge way too much for these flights anyway.” Such simple statements yet so intriguing.

The challenge most of us face is we just fail to ask. We are afraid of being ridiculed, being rejected. We want the reward but not the struggle. We want the result but not the process. We are in love with the foreseeable victory, but not the fight. It’s no coincidence I’m currently reading “The Subtle Art to Not Giving A F**”. In this book, Author Manson makes the point that “the more we choose to accept responsibility in our lives, the more power we will exercise over our lives.” Which bears the question, “When was the last time you took responsibility over your life this year?”

After this month, there’s one more month (31 solid days) until the year is over. Have you ever pondered on why you may not have accomplished that goal you made in January? Guess what fam, you probably did not want to hear “No!”. Well quit feeling sorry for yourself then. Here’s a sneaky truth about life. It’s very difficult to be an important and life-changing presence for some people without also being a joke and an embarrassment to others. So go out there and break rules! Be joke. Be serious. Be free. Change that November to Yesvember! Don’t settle yet, strive! Strive for more, to improve, to be better than the you yesterday! As Leonard Ravens once said, “The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized within the lifetime of the opportunity.” Mise en place.

You Are Not Alone*

If you are between the ages of 25 and 40, chances are you feel down most times than you feel uplifted. Chances are your chosen (or not chosen) path may not be as fulfilling as you had envisioned. Chances are you are battling with your mental health but struggle to pinpoint the root cause. Therapy? It must have barely scratched the surface. Your anxiety grows fiercer. The multiple bandages you’ve placed on the same internal pain peels off each time you try washing away the pain. Some parts of you remain hopeful but it’s clear your fingers are barely hanging on the cliff.

Call this message nonsense but the fact remains; most people your age who seem to have it figured out often do not have it figured out. Stop looking at them for the way to YOUR breakthrough. The way is within (Read Genesis 1:27 for context). Evidently, this thought process is difficult for most to grasp. So you keep questioning your potential. You cast demeaning words upon your life without thinking of its consequences. You begin to wonder if you’re indeed created in His image; forgetting that over-wondering sometimes evolves into wandering aimlessly. And if you’re not careful, the emotions might gravitate from sadness to bitterness…

…There’s an elder who was once sharing with her grandson, “Every choice in life is a battle between two wolves inside us. The first wolf represents anger, greed, fear, lies, insecurity, and ego. The second represents peace, love, compassion, kindness, humility, and positivity. They are competing for supremacy.” “So which wolf wins?” The grandson asks. “The one you feed,” the elder responds. The one YOU feed.

Now ever heard of Pavlov’s theory? Imagine for a second that you have successfully conditioned the second wolf to salivate whenever you feel signs of emotional suppression. How powerful is that!? The good news is it’s possible through intentionality, consistency, and most importantly, self-love. And yet if I asked you to name all the things that you love, how long would it take you to name yourself? Just a food for thought…or for the wolf you decide on feeding onwards.

Get Your Mind Right

As she shared her well-thought-out insights on the African diaspora, I couldn’t help but intervene; “Launch your own startup- I see an entrepreneur in you!” She chucked (and I paraphrase), “Maybe you should look again. My skills will be best served supporting tech start ups”. I didn’t persist.

Almost a week later, one of my business partners expressed her frustration about an on-going contract. As I sensed her helplessness, all I could say to pacify her anger was; “Starting a company and sustaining it are two different things.” In truth, I too needed that reminder. You see, the first lady had been honest with herself. She may have understood sustainability is usually more important than commencement. The truth is almost anyone can start a company- but to keep it going effortlessly- fam, that takes a different kind of mentality that you have to learn, unlearn, and relearn.

I digress. One of my favorite interview questions is, “If I gave you $10,000, what business would you start?” The applicants I’m always impressed by are those who walk me through their thinking from Day 0 through roadblocks- no matter how tough. From what I’ve found, their initiative serves as assurance that when we step on the gas, and hit that brake pad abruptly for the sharp exit, their seatbelts will already be in tact.

This is not meant to dissuade you but to remind you that intentionality at the earliest stages of building is prevalent. Your loved ones may tell you to “revisit your why” when you cry. Unfortunately, what they may not share is that your ‘why’ changes as you evolve towards perfection. Who knows, the revisitation might rather paralyze your grind. But if you have the determined mindset that you are in for the long haul, the frustrations will not only be ephemeral, but will also be perceived as learning experiences.

Fam, the next time you get the urge to start that company, (1) be honest with yourself and (2) pray for clarity and seek direction. If the revelation does not align with your forecasted implementation, you’ve saved yourself years of stress and pressure. Stay vigilant; the right time always comes- just rarely seized.

What's Yours Is Yours?

On a recent business trip, I met with an inspiring entrepreneur during a gathering. And as we were parting ways, we connected on Instagram, where I saw ‘Forbes 30U30’ in her bio. I passed a joke- “Ah you’re fancy.” She then shrugged; further expressing that she never applied but an anonymous individual nominated her. What she was still in disbelief about was the fact that Forbes could not get in touch with her. They had sent emails and called her on countless occasions. They even messaged her across social media platforms but she was completely off the radar. When she eventually checked her Twitter account, she saw several messages from the Forbes team. The rest, as they say, is history.

What’s fascinating is she never felt the need to be recognized- she simply did the work. Or hold up- was it so ‘simply’? One point we rarely draw our attention to when we reach a milestone is the silent application of favor in bringing that milestone to fruition. Best believe there are doors you are able to enter today only because of your level of favor- and nothing to do with the moves you’ve calculated. In contrary, there are doors you cannot see even if you stood on the shoulders of giants; thanks to the level of your favor. The concept of favor cannot be explained nor should it be questioned. But there’s one thing that happens without fail- favor increases the more you pursue excellence…

…In fact, your level of favor shoots up when you see another’s success as an indication that God is in the neighborhood- you’re up next. Which means you know developing bitterness in your heart, and embracing animosity as the recipe to your consolation, will only lead to stagnation. Fam, your level of favor escalates the moment you accept that God will not hold you accountable for someone else’s blessings. And living out your truth is in fact an act of doing yourself a favor. This, in turn, also increases your favor. What’s even more beautiful is that somebody is always watching, readily willing to contribute to your vision. But let’s assume you do not buy into that principle. Rest assured, God always has His eyes on you- what’s yours is yours.

For Real, Whose Timing Is It?

Seven years ago, I met with a consultant to discuss an idea that would later evolve into Blossom Academy . However, as opposed to helping me think through the idea, she rather misinterpreted my intention. In her feedback, she kept emphasizing, “this initiative is a quest for power.” I was slightly discouraged, but still motivated. Shortly after our conversation, God positioned me on the founding team of Esusu, and the excitement of taking a breakthrough idea and helping breathe life into it eclipsed the need to belabor her analysis.

Fast forward three years later, my team and I revisited the initial idea. The primary difference now was timing. When we piloted the model, we were the first company in West Africa that provided data courses in a structured environment. As you can imagine, there wasn’t a readily available market for our services- we had to create it. And discovering creative strategies to survive despite the curveballs only affirmed that our timing was spirit-led. If we had launched a year prior, we would have failed; a year later, we wouldn’t have owned our niche.

Earlier this year, Blossom was appointed by the Government of Ghana to serve as a stakeholder in the development of the Ghana National Artificial Intelligence Strategy (2023–2033). During the finalization workshop last week, another stakeholder shared a striking point; “If you are not at the table, then you are on the menu.” What’s interesting is we live in a world where not everyone has been afforded the opportunity to sit at the table. Unfortunately, the few globally who are appointed to design strategies and implement decisions on behalf of millions often fail to eat last. But I’m consistently reminded that you and I are at the table because we heard the call to operate on God’s appointed time- not ours.

As I recollect the conversation, I’ve deduced the consultant was right all along. What I lacked was foresight. You see, the more we empower others, the more powerful we become. And when we learn to be God-like, we leverage this power to build more people to rise up, to roar, and to tap into their greatest potential.

Create Spaces For Wellness

Roughly a year ago, I had the pleasure of partaking in an accelerator program, which encompassed some of the most accomplished entrepreneurs I’d ever met. Some were founders with multiple lucrative exits; others had established companies that now shape policies in their home countries. However, there was one super impressive founder from Latin America (let’s assume his initials, KP) who was clearly the golden child in our circle. When my goal was to refine the business model for our corporate division, KP had figured out a flawless strategy and was looking to raise a “small $10M funding round.” He surpassed his goal.

At the conclusion of the program, we all met to discuss our learnings. And as expected, the conversation progressed smoothly until KP opened his mouth and tears began to carve the corners of his cheeks. As a familiar pain echoed each word that managed to escape, we all must have deduced his mental health was at stake. He may have scored the financial capital but was clearly miles away from the emotional capital. You see, the recurring problem across communities is we often forget that intentionally creating an environment for our loved ones to shed tears is how their emotions communicate to the outside world. Imagine leaving salty water in a vessel; it has no other option than to rust.

At that point in our conversation, a powerful shift occurred. Narratives about depression and anxiety flowed from multiple vessels like waterfalls. I learned then that perceiving others based on their outward excellence alone can also be detrimental to our own mental health, sometimes theirs. What we must embrace is to strive towards creating an environment for each other to feel listened to, and not just heard. What we hear, if not digested, can only catapult vanity. It’s no surprise that if you were presented with two options: (1) a $10M investment for your startup and (2) a $300K salary working at a tech firm, you may quickly gravitate to the former- primarily because we haven’t created spaces that position us to comprehend the challenges associated with each route we envision to someday embark on.

Break the Shackles

On a far-away island, a group of fishermen dropped a wire basket with crab feet to the bottom of the ocean. One crab saw the food, jumped into the basket and started munching. More crabs came along and joined the feast. Even when all the food had been depleted, nearby crabs by the allure of the majority continued to jump into the basket and joined the other crabs.

As one of the crabs got the idea to leave the basket since there was no food left, the others tried to knock it off the basket’s wall. When it persisted, they broke its arm to prevent it from climbing any further. Again it persisted, and they ganged up on it and killed it. Shortly afterwards, all the crabs in the basket were brought up for human consumption.

What’s fascinating about this story is that the crap that first got the idea to leave shares a strong human quality you possess. At a critical point on your journey, you will want more- if you haven’t already. But when you attempt to leave the group, they might not break your arm but they will try to break your spirit. They might not kill you but they will try to kill your dreams. As John Boyega cleverly said in ‘The Woman King,’ “if you want to hold people in chains, one must convince them that they are meant to be in bondage.” (paraphrasing- maybe).

In our present day, “the one” often doing the convincing is precisely your loved ones who fear you will be destroyed when you take that risk no family member — dead or alive — has ever dared taken. Sometimes it’s your closest friends who once saw you in your brokenness and fail to entertain your capability to ever operate at an unfathomable level. Indeed, you may have now attained the wisdom to navigate the complexities of taking that leap of faith. But you are also bound to miss the mark if you lack basic understanding. Seeking understanding is the first of many steps required to break free from any undeserved guilt and shame. It dissuades the feeling to complain and elevates the healing to proclaim your throne. It’s time to break free from the shackles holding you still- you are more than enough.